C. M. Kosemen

C. M. Kosemen

Artist and Researcher


Art with Midjourney

In 2022 I started experimenting with the Midjourney A.I. to create surreal art. The algorithm produces phenomenally-effective results, but also raises questions of ownership - even more so considering you can instruct it to mimic the style of any artist, living or dead. The methods of "training" such A.I.s is also problematic. For these reasons, I decided to display most of my Midjourney-derived artworks in a distinct page.

A.I.-derived art works best if one spends extra time on each work; collaging distinct elements, painting out superfluous details and painting in extra figures that support a narrative.

This is not my first attempt at A.I.-derived art.
Visit this link to see an earlier collaboration involving Google's DeepDream algorithm.

Visit this link to see a palaeontology-themed A.I. collaboration.


Mother and Daughter


Artefact of Anti-Nature

Lunar Plant

A Meeting of the Djinn Kings

Neon Demons

Dream Beneath the Tradescantia

Pazuzu King of Birds

Tile from the Palaz of Hoon


Phantom of the Tropics

Beneath the Softest Moon

Caduceus of the Mind series

Lepidopteran King

Piercing Bodies

Goddess of the Minoans

Anatolian Mother Goddess

Parasite Goddess

Serpent Orgy

Denizen of the Spiral Dimension

Maypole Dance


The Lost Halicarnassian Tablets

The Wells of Horus

Pycnogonid Demon

Skink and Viper

Sphinx Figures

Consort of the Pleiades

Scavengers by the Body of a Dead God

Shambler on the Mediterranean

The Million-Year City

Daemon Borealis

The Impossible Museum

God of the Mirages

Luft 46 Skeletal Drawing

Forgotten Memory

The Ediacaran Aquarium

The First God on Earth

Idol of the Echinoderm God

Flutist of Kybele

The Creator God Watching the Created World

Polychrome Sphinx series

Surrealist Conqueror

Surrealist Idol

Desert Tengu

The Cambrian Aquarium

Rousseau's Apparition

Surrealist Soul Drinker

Watcher from the Stars

Thracian Goddess

Cnidarian Riders

Surreal Avifauna

Arachnid Davetname

Beelzebub on Stroll

Dickensian Angel

Dickensian Demon

Echinoderm Angels

Goddess Ai Morudax



Copyright laws protect all content associated with this site.
Contact c.m.kosemen@gmail.com for inquiries.
